Unclean Foods Were Not Abolished

Pork, shell fish or any other unclean foods were never made clean. You won’t find it in scripture. The teachings that say unclean was abolished were misunderstandings of scripture. One passage people use is Peter’s vision. But that vision did not many unclean food okay to eat, it was used to show Peter that salvation is not only for Israel but for all people who come to Messiah. When we come to Messiah we are grafted in and we become Yisrael and we are no longer Goyim (Hebrew for Gentile).

Messiah told us himself not to think that he came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets, he did not come to destroy but to fulfill. There are two meanings of the word fulfill, one to do away with, another to complete it or bring it to fullness and continue it. Because of Messiah’s words we know it holds the latter meaning. There are false teachers who say that because Messiah fulfilled everything, the Torah (law) was done away with. This is not true because Messiah told us differently. He also told us that until Heaven and Earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle will in anyway pass from the Torah.

Scripture interprets scripture and this is how we know we hear a false teacher. Many people do not read their Bibles enough for if they did they would know the truth. Many people also think that Messiah was crucified on Friday and rose Sunday morning. This also is far from the truth. The scriptures reveal that the death, burial and resurrection of Messiah line up precisely with the Passover. When we follow the timeline scripture reveals, we find that he was crucified Wednesday afternoon around 2 or 3 pm. The next day was a high day Sabbath and not the weekly Sabbath as many suppose who only do a light reading of scripture. This places the resurrection of Messiah in the end of the Sabbath.

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