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I would encourage you to thoroughly search out the references given. I'm not claiming perfection in my understandings, abilities, or practices. I'm only desiring the truth...and the grace from above to walk it out.
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This is a place which is dedicated to serving all who seek to worship and serve the Heavenly Father in Spirit and Truth.

The materials on this website are written to bless, enlighten and encourage. It's not my intent to condemn anyone or promote any man or denomination.

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Long Business Description is a free video sharing website for people who serve Messiah that makes it easy to watch videos online. You can even create and upload your own short videos to share with others or share videos from YouTube.
Additionally, you can share videos from to social media sites using the share option. Invite your friends by sharing a video with them using their email address.

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I am here to bless people and share scripture to everyone who wants to know more. Let's seek Messiah together and learn more about him. Let's always be humble, gentle and peaceful as we interact.

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For every man the journey begins with his first birth into some kingdom of men. To progress in that journey he must leave the kingdom of his birth and the elohim (gods – lawmakers and judges) he has always served and come into service with only Yehovah.

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There has been much controversy in modern times about women's roles in the church. What does the Bible say about elders, pastors, preachers and ministry?

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October 2024

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